May 2019 Minutes Annual Parish Meeting


PRESENT: Cllr. K. Butters, Cllr. S. Wright, Cllr. T. Stone, Cllr. N. Krawiec, Cllr. T. Kuzemczak, Cllr. E. Knight, Dist. Cllr. T. Aldridge and Dist. Cllr. P. Smith.

Twenty One members of the public attended.

In attendance: Sandra Bunyan – Clerk to Parish Council

1.   Mr Keith Butters chaired the meeting as no Chairman or Vice Chairman has been elected yet.



Mr Butters welcomed our guest speaker, Chairman of the North Thoresby events committee, Mr Ian Wright.

Mr Wright discussed all aspects of the 1940s event; how the event has to be organized, the different sub committees and how the rules have changed since he took over the event. He also spoke about the different activities that are being held in North Thoresby. The 1940s committee have already purchased a new projector and a large screen will also be purchased in the near future. This will be mounted on the overhead beam in the village hall in the hope of starting up a cinema club. Any organization in the village will be able to use this. New Christmas lights have been put up in the Square and new A boards have also been purchased. Mr Wright talked about the Arts Festival which is being held from the 2nd June – 15 June 2019 in North Thoresby. Many activities have been arranged; from Art and flower arrangeing and An Evening of Smooth Music, and much more.

Mr Butters thanked Mr Wright for being the guest speaker.

4.   MINUTE APPROVAL: The minutes from last year’s meeting were shown to the guests present. Mr Butters went through the minutes.

Mr Butters said there are currently three vacancies on the Parish Council. He said Mr Croft and Mrs Love had resigned from the council and he thanked them for their hard work they had given the Parish Council. He also thanked the Parish Councillors for their hard work and said that he was pleased that Dist Cllr Aldridge was re-elected and also welcomed the new Dist Cllr. P Smith.
He said that Cllr. I. Moor had taken over the speed watch program and he will be making contact with the volunteers.

He said the Live & Local shows had been a huge success; all thanks to Cllr Knight and her helpers. The next show will be 2nd June 2019 and then again in October 2019. Cllr Knight highlighted some of the Arts Festival.

5.   Mr Butters said this last year, the Parish Council had updated the CCTV to a new HD system.

The Village hall had been painted outside as had the telephone box. Electric cookers had been cleaned in the village hall.

A new scanner had been purchased.

A Christmas tree and lights had been purchased for the village hall.

Mr Butters said there are many on-going issues, such as the condition of Ludborough Rd, which is not going to be resurfaced until 2021/2022. We are also waiting for the signs to be moved in Station Rd making it all 30mph.

He said he had a meeting this coming Friday with regards to a grant and the Tree preservation officer in regards to extending the village hall. The Parish Council had received a grant of £10,000 from the Lottery, but more  is needed. We are hoping to apply for a grant from the Hornsea Phase ll but cannot apply until August 2019.

North Thoresby has entered the BKV again this year and asks all residents if they will please ensure their grass verges and hedges are trimmed back.

He would also like to thank Robin who does a smashing job around the village. Our sincere thanks to him.

Mr Butters would also like to thank Mr Martin Culverhouse for paying for this year’s outside-Christmas tree.

6.   Reports from Outside Bodies:

Mr Bedlow talked about the village sports club events: football and cricket. He said any youth had to be 16 years old to play in the adult team. He said that the football field is owned by Grainsby estate and would like to see it always as a football field. He will appreciate any help with grass cutting etc.

Mrs Butterfield spoke about the Askew’s Almshouses. She said usual repairs and maintenance programs have been carried out and all properties are up to date with standards laid down by the Alms House Association and Charity Commission guidelines. They visit the properties twice a year and all residents are very happy as they look impressive both inside and out with all enjoying their gardens.

Mr Butters read out a letter from the Pop-in Lunch club; they cook approx 45- 50, 3 course meals with coffee for residents and guests from nearby villages. She said this could not be done without the volunteer helpers. The cooks are Diane King, Sarah Durrant and Jennifer Hippisley. She would like to thank
Diane & David Buttefield who lay the tables for them. Mr Butterfield is also their auditor of accounts.

Mr Butters would like to thank each organization for their support.


Mr Wright talked about the condition of the bottom of Highfield Rd pavements and Church Lane and The Square. This will be inspected and Highways will be informed of their condition.

Mrs Cooper spoke about the hedge at Waterloo Housing. It is understood that when the planning permission was approved, one of the conditions was that Waterloo housing maintain the hedge and under growth for five years. It seems that this is not the case, they have been to tidy the road side of the hedge but not the inside. There is ivy growing and other weeds growing; work is only done when residents complain. The Clerk and Dist Cllr Aldridge will follow this up.

One resident complained about the potholes outside the cricket field and said the problem is the cars parking on the grass verge. The Clerk will look into this.

This being the business transacted, the meeting closed at 8.00 pm.

Tea/coffee and biscuits provided. Mr Butter thanked Mrs Erswell, Angela and Kitty Wright for serving refreshments.