Hire Conditions
The following conditions apply to any periods of hire and any other pre-agreed use.
1. The person named on the booking form shall be deemed the Hirer. Where an organisation is named, the person signing the booking form confirms that they do so with full authority of the organisation and if not, they shall be considered to be the hirer personally.
2. The hire of the premises is for the specific agreed times shown on the booking form and does not entitle the Hirer to use or enter the premises at any other time (unless agreed in advance with the Caretaker).
3. The Village Hall may not be hired for teenage birthday parties i.e. for ages 13 - 19
4. Hirers are responsible for health and safety issues and all other relevant statuary issues including those relating to environmental health and food matters and for providing information about safety procedures
5. Any accident must be recorded in the Accident Book to be found in the cupboard under the sink in the kitchen. Failure to do so may result in personal liability for the hirer for subsequent accidents.
6. The Hirer must read and comply with the Fire Safety Plan supplied to him/her. A copy is also displayed on the noticeboard in the entrance to the Village Hall.
7. No exits may be blocked. Obstructions must not be placed in front of heaters or fire appliances removed or tampered with. Fire doors must not be propped open.
8. The Hirer is responsible for ensuring that the capacity limits are not exceeded.
9. The Hirer is responsible for complying with any current alcohol licencing provisions.
10. The hirer is responsible for enforcing the smoking ban. It is against the law to smoke anywhere inside the building or under the covered porches at any time.
11. The use of e-cigarettes is not permitted.
12. The use of laser display equipment, strobe lighting or similar is not permitted.
13. The hall must be vacated promptly at the end of the agreed hire period.
14. Please lock all outer doors when leaving.
15. Please close all windows and internal doors before leaving.
16. Please leave the premises in a clean and tidy condition. The hirer is responsible for providing bin bags and for the removal of all rubbish and recycling.
17. All property of the Hirer must be removed after the booking (unless agreed in advance with the Caretaker). Failure to comply will make the hirer liable for any costs of removal.
18. Please ensure that all lights and water heaters are switched off before leaving.
19. The Hirer shall ensure that good order is kept in the building during the hiring. The Hirer will also ensure that those attending the engagement maintain good order during arrival and departure from the building.
20. The Hirer is responsible for all damage to the building, equipment, furniture, and property in the building & grounds occurring during the period of the hiring or while persons are entering or leaving the building pursuant to the hire. The Hirer will be responsible for replacement ‘as new’ of any equipment, furniture, or property and for the full cost of making good any damage to the building, fixtures, and fittings.
21. The hirer will indemnify the Parish Council for any actions resulting from the unlawful or negligent acts of the hirer.
Please note. The Hall is licensed for dancing for 130 people (allowing for tables and chairs) and for 200 people close-seated.
CCTV is in use at the Hall for the purposes of crime prevention and public safety. In accordance with the Information Commissioner’s Office CCTC Code of Practice, CCTV images are not monitored, are stored securely for a maximum of 30 days, and are only accessed by authorised persons in the event of a qualifying incident.