December 2023 Minutes
Clerk: Mr S R Baxter | Email: | Tel: 0781 444 3058 Address: North Thoresby Village Hall, The Square, North Thoresby, DN36 5QL
For the community….by the community…
4th DECEMBER 2023
ATTENDING. Cllr Buckenham, Cllr Spence, Cllr Gallop, Cllr Gale, Cllr Berryman, Cllr Snell (Minutes)
No clerk in attendance - agreed by the Chair of the Parish Council
County Councillor present: Cllr H Marfleet.
District Councillor present: Cllr T Aldridge.
NOTE: A 999 call was made at 19.31 due to an incident during the meeting, the police attended and a Crime Contract has been issued.
1. Welcome to all. Cllr Buckenham welcomed everyone to the meeting. Cllr Buckenham thanked Cllr Howard and Marshall for the successful village light switch on, for making it happen, which was very well attended.
The chair advised that the meeting may be recorded, and followed with 2 statements “I’ve been asked to remind you of the law regarding the Public Meeting Act and that cctv maybe used to identify anyone causing a disturbance. I have also been asked to explain about council agendas and what they are - by law the council must publish its meeting agenda 3 clear days in advance, this is so the public can see what will be discussed and voted on, and witness the procedure on any item they are interested in. It is unlawful for any councillor to raise additional items during the meeting, because as the public haven’t been told beforehand it will be discussed, they haven’t been given chance to attend and witness the due democratic process .Any councillor who does this “ has their own agenda.”
2. Public participation and question. Maximum of 30 minutes as stated in the standing orders for members of the public to ask questions. Cllr Marfleet spoke on the subject of devolution, having a Mayor for Lincolnshire, public comments can be made on the LCC Website. Cllr Marfleet is very pleased that the resurfacing on Ludborough Road has now been carried out. Cllr Aldridge said the money 24 million was not enough and he does not support having a mayor. A member of the public asked if the use of the hall for the school Christmas event would be free. Cllr Aldridge made a complaint regarding e mails and gave copies to each councillor. A member of the public made a complaint that factual information on minutes were incorrect.
3. Motion to exclude members of the public. Agreed.
4. Apologies for absence.
Apologies were received from Councillors Jones, Howard and Marshall. Councillors had been informed and reasons and they were accepted. Agreed.
5. Declarations of interest.
No declarations of interest noted.
6. To agree minutes from November meeting.
Cllr Gale bought to the attention of the council her objections and her proposed amendments.
A copy of her remaining objections was given to the chair and has been sent to all councillors. Having taken external advice, and to comply with legislation and avoid putting the council at risk of a charge of libel under the Repetition Rule, these cannot be published and Cllr Gale's original 3 page objections, a redacted version and an explanation for the redactions has been filed securely for future reference. Of Cllr Gale's other objections, the following has been noted:
8. General expenditure. Councillors had a copy of financial approval for payment. Payments approved.
9. Planning applications. There have been no planning applications received. S106, Cyden Homes have offered the minimum, Cllr Howard was not available to update in more detail.
10. Christmas working group. No updates.
11. Fencing at the village hall. As previously stated, this follows on from a grant application made by the previous administration, a survey done as per the requirements of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, and advice from the ELDC Planning Department that because of its position within the village it needed to be similar to existing fencing within the zone. Two quotes had been received for the fencing. The council approved by a majority vote the one deemed to best meet the requirements.
12 Plaque at the village hall. Events have purchased a memory tree which has will be planted in the memorial garden, and would like the Parish Council to contribute half the cost £53.16. All in favour, agreed.
13. Agree date for next meeting. Next parish meeting will be 8th January 2024 7pm at North Thoresby Village Hall.
Meeting closed 8.35pm