January 2022 Minutes
Attending. Cllr Knight (chair) Cllr Kuzemczak(vice chair) Cllr Wyatt. Cllr Fisher. Cllr Burnett. Cllr Smith. Members of the public.
Cllr Knight chaired the meeting.
Parish clerk Zoe Snell.
01/10/21. To receive and consider for approval, apologies for absence and reason given. No apologies received.
02/10/21. To receive declarations of interest openness and transparency or personal interest. None.
03/10/21. To approve minutes from meeting held on the 1st November 2021. It was proposed and accept the change of minutes. Item 3/11/22, to add the wording: InterneTY will also accept government vouchers for the installation of fibre optic in the village. RESOLVED
04/10/21. Public Forum. Members of the public shared the plans for Pop in luncheons. They have been successful to date, however due to Covid they are monitoring the situation and may not meet until March. They were offered more storage in the cupboard in the hall. Points raised will be added to the next agenda.
Member of the public asked if speed watch could be considered for Ludborough Road, however the Police have advised the organiser that this would not be possible due to the requirements needed to carry out checks. Extra 30mph signs would be helpful.
Update from Cllr Smith. Council not meeting at the moment and no decisions are being made due to Covid. Nuclear waste Theddlethorpe, next step is viability study and consultation. No further information regarding the planning application Beanlands Ludborough Road.
Cllr Rickets would like to attend a Parish Council meeting unable to attend but can be invited via Cllr Smith with regards to broadband in the village.
21/01/22. Profits from Calendar. This item was bought forward. It was RESOLVED that the profits from the 2022 calendar would be given to the Pop in Club, they thanked the Parish Council for the donation.
5/01/22. Financial report sent and received by Councillors.
6/01/22. Task update sent and received by Councillors.
7/01/22. Village survey. It was RESOLVED to meet via zoom as a working group, on the 31st January 7pm.
8/01/22. To agree Budget/Precept. It was RESOLVED that the Parish Council would not increase the £23000 precept for 2022/2023.
9/01/22.Planning applications. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would write a formal complaint regarding the planning application in Station Road next to the North Thoresby Station.
10/01/22. Consider change of bank. It was proposed to consider the change of banking facilities to Unity Bank. Clerk to make enquires. RESOLVED.
11/01/22. To consider fencing quotes at play park. It was RESOLVED to go ahead with the quote from Platers for new gate and fencing at the playpark, the repair of the carousel and recommendations of repairs from the RoSPA report. Clerk to arrange.
12/01/22. To consider quote for IT support. It was RESOLVED for the Clerk to make enquiries via website host LCC for set up of emails.
13/01/22. To consider quote for leaflets. It was felt the quote was high. It was RESOLVED that Cllr Kuzemczak would send art work to Cllr Fisher to arrange printing.
14/01/22. To consider purchasing Projector. It was RESOLVED to consider a good quality projector budget of £1000. Clerk to arrange.
15/01/22. To consider using website support. It was RESOLVED to use the website report for a further 3 months and update information as discussed in November.
16/01/22. To resolve to repay Lottery Grant. It was RESOLVED to repay the Lottery Grant.
17/01/22. To receive a reply regarding yellow lines outside the village hall. It was RESOLVED that a formal complaint will be sent to the Conservation officer.
18/01/22. To receive a reply from archives. It was RESOLVED to look at paperwork to see what needs to be archived. Add to April agenda.
19/01/22. To agree budget for carpet and refurbishment in hall. It was RESOLVED to agree a £500 for refurbishment.
20/01/22. To agreed Complaint’s procedure. It was RESOLVED to adopt the policy and add to website.
21/01/22. Resolved earlier in the meeting.
22/01/22. To agree to make formal complaint regarding the removal of the telephone box in Waithe. It was RESOLVED to send a formal complaint to BT as there had been no consultation with ELDC regarding the removal. Requesting its return due to a bad signal area and high accident spot.
23/01/22. To agree the purchase of a plaque in recognition of Dave Barnett’s commitment to North Thoresby. It was RESOLVED for a plaque to be added to the bench outside the Village Hall. Cllr Fisher would agree wording.
24/01/22. To vote on setting up an Environmental Wildlife working party. It was RESOLVED to speak to the Magpies Environmental Warden and add to February agenda.
25/01/22. To consider speed watch quotes. Cllr Wyatt stated that battery signs would not be appropriate. Quotes were passed to look at quotes. It was RESOLVED to add to February Agenda.
26/01/22. To consider email from Patrick Cant. It was RESOLVED that would be no further action.
27/01/22. Update of community newsletter. It was RESOLVED that Cllr Burnett would forward cut off dates for information to be added. Newsletter will be delivered to all properties, added to website and face book.
28/01/22. Update fencing at Village Hall. It was RESOLVED to continue with preplanning application for fencing and steps.
29/01/22. To agree finances. It was RESOLVED to agree payments.
30/01/22. To consider exclusion of public and press. It was RESOLVED to exclude public and press, Clerk left the meeting.
End of meeting.