August 2022 Minutes
North Thoresby, Grainsby & Waithe
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Monday 1st August 2022 at 7:00pm
Present: Clerk: Tony Shaw
Councillors: Knight (Chairman), Kuzemczak, Howard, Burnett and Wyatt
In Attendance: District Cllr Smith, District Cllr Aldridge
01:08/22 Declarations of Interest:
a) To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared.
b) To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.
02:08/22 Apologies for Absence:
To receive any apologies sent to the Clerk from Members not able to attend the meeting.
03:08/22 Minutes of the Previous Meeting(s):
To approve the minutes of the meeting on Monday 4th July 2022.
Amendment made to item 13:07/22 to change deadline date from 12th August to 17th July. RESOLVED: Minutes approved following amendment detailed above.
04:08/22 Open Forum: Nothing raised.
05:08/22 District & County Councillor Reports:
To receive any relevant LCC/ELDC reports.
Cllr Smith and Cllr Aldridge provided verbal reports.
06:08/22 Planning:
Application N/133/01079/22 – Oak Lodge, The Square, North Thoresby, DN36 5QL Proposal - Single storey extension to existing dwelling to provide a therapy pool. Link to Application N/133/01079/22 on the ELDC Planning Portal
RESOLVED: No objections.
07:08/22 Action Sheet:
To receive an updated action sheet and resolve any actions.
Action sheet noted with updates.
08:087/22 Finance & Governance:
a) To approve payment of accounts to 1st August 2022.
RESOLVED: All items on Schedule of Payments below approved for payment.
Reference |
Payee |
Item |
Amount inc. VAT |
Invoice / Receipt |
2022-08/01 |
Antony Shaw |
Wages for August |
Payroll |
2022-08/02 |
John Wilson |
Wages for August |
Payroll |
2022-08/03 |
BT |
Village Hall Broadband (Bill 21.07.2022) |
41.94 |
Y |
2022-08/04 |
EE |
Mobile Phone (Bill 18.08.2022) |
8.74 |
Y |
2022-08/05 |
Antony Shaw |
Reimburse - Ink Stamp |
41.49 |
Y |
2022-08/06 |
Annual Training Scheme 2022-23 |
132.00 |
Y |
2022-08/07 |
Antony Shaw |
Reimburse - Village Hall Paper Towels |
73.92 |
Y |
2022-08/08 |
Antony Shaw |
Reimburse - Paper Towel Dispensers x3 |
85.47 |
Y |
2022-08/09 |
Employers Tax/NI - Late payment Jan 2022 |
Payroll |
2022-08/10 |
Employers Tax/NI - Late payment Feb 2022 |
Payroll |
2022-08/11 |
Employers Tax/NI - Late payment Mar 2022 |
Payroll |
2022-08/12 |
Employers Tax/NI - Late payment May 2022 |
Payroll |
2022-08/13 |
Employers Tax/NI - June 2022 |
Payroll |
2022-08/14 |
Southern Electric |
Public Toilets (13 Jan 2022 to 29 Jun 2022) |
73.47 |
Y |
2022-08/15 |
Southern Electric |
Village Hall (13 Jan 2022 to 29 Jun 2022) |
86.75 |
Y |
2022-08/16 |
NT Football Club |
Grass Cutting Play Park – May x 2, June x 2 |
200.00 |
Y |
2022-08/17 |
Internal Audit Fee 2021-22 |
228.00 |
Y |
2022-08/18 |
Emma Knight |
Reimburse for Village Hall Refreshments |
6.15 |
Y |
2022-08/19 |
A.P. Services |
Resolve Low Water Pressure at Village Hall |
71.71 |
Y |
2022-08/20 |
A.P. Services |
Boiler Service |
115.78 |
Y |
2022-08/21 |
NT Homecare |
Supplies |
51.96 |
Y |
2022-08/22 |
Duncan & Toplis |
Payroll Processing for July 2022 |
55.50 |
Y |
b) To note VAT claim submitted for 2021/22.
Noted that Clerk has submitted a VAT claim for the financial year 2021/22.
c) To note SLCC membership renewal price.
Noted that SLCC membership was renewed at a price of £134, not the £55 approved at the July parish council meeting. This is due to SLCC adopting a tiered rate of membership according to the Clerk’s contracted hours.
09:08/22 Beanlands Development:
Proposal from Cllr Howard to contact Cyden Homes regarding lack of consultation with the Village or Parish Council.
Proposal withdrawn following discussion.
10:08/22 Highways Working Group
Proposal from Cllr Wyatt for the council to contact appropriate authorities and request that a hedge on the High Street be trimmed back to the original footpath depth.
RESOLVED: Cllr Wyatt has logged this on FixMyStreet.
11:08/22 Speed Signs
To receive an update from Cllr Wyatt on installation of the Speed Signs.
Written update received from Cllr Wyatt.
RESOLVED: Clerk to obtain quotes for installation of the Speed Signs.
12:08/22 Play Park Shelter:
To review quotes for a shelter on the Play Park.
RESOLVED: Order to be placed with Newby Leisure Ltd for a shelter priced at £1,385 + vat. Quote does not include installation costs. Council approved a budget of £1,500 + vat to cover installation.
13:08/22 Christmas Lights Switch On
To agree a date and event details.
RESOLVED: Proposed date for switch on is Thursday 1st December. Clerk to contact Events Committee and North Thoresby Primary School for comment on suitability.
14:08/22 Christmas Trees
To agree purchase of a new indoor Christmas tree.
To confirm arrangements for the outdoor Christmas tree.
RESOLVED: Clerk to obtain prices for a 12 foot indoor tree for voting on September agenda. RESOLVED: Real Christmas tree to be purchased and planted in 2023, at an appropriate time.
15:08/22 Correspondence:
To receive consultation letter from LCC regarding tree work on Ludborough Road. Consultation from LCC regarding the felling of a diseased tree at Georgian Terrace, Ludborough Road was reviewed.
RESOLVED: No objections.
Exclusion of Press and Public:
To consider passing a resolution in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, that public and press be excluded from the meeting for the matters set out below on the grounds that it could involve the likely disclosure of private and confidential information.
16:08/22 Personnel:
To approve overtime hours
Hall Manager has worked standard hours. Clerk has claimed 40.5 hours overtime. RESOLVED: Overtime hours for Clerk approved.
The meeting closed at 8:30pm