November 2024 Minutes (19th) EOM
North Thoresby, Grainsby & Waithe Parish Council
North Thoresby Village Hall, The Square, North Thoresby, DN36 5QL
Draft Minutes 19th November 2024
Chair Colin Goodwin
Vice Chair Keith Butters
Councillors Helen Willerton, Mick Orrill, Ian Bunn and Emily Bakes
District Councillor Terry Aldridge
Members of public 2
Locum Parish Clerk Jill Davis via telephone
1. Chair’s Welcome 24/91
The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.00pm welcoming everyone and informing them the meeting may be recorded and of the safety measures in the village hall.
2. Apologies for Absence 24/92
All councillors present
3. Declarations of Interest 24/93
Councillor Bakes declared an interest in item 5.e. No dispensation was given
4. Public Open Forum – 30 Minutes 24/94
Member of the public expressed concerns over donating council funds to the tractor run and suggested the council look at alternative ways to raise donations
Member of the public asked if the accounts for the recent Live and Local event would be published.
5. Finance Matters: 24/95
a) For the council to discuss and consider how certain purchases can be made for items (EG recently
approved leaf blower)
Resolved: Cllr Goodwin to organise a debit card for the Clerk
b) For the clerk to inform the council that the account with Peter Hogarth is now open. The account has controls activated via the application form. Purchases can only be made by providing an invoice to the company via the clerk’s PC dedicated email address.
c) For the council to consider approving the clerk’s expenses for the two wreaths purchased £44.98
Resolved. Approved for payment
d) For the council to consider the process of purchasing from Thoresby Homecare Centre (Cllr Orrill)
Resolved. Approved for essential purchases for general maintenance to continue using Thoresby Homecare
e) For the council to consider a donation to the nominated charity for the Louth Christmas Tractor Run £150.00 suggestion (Cllr Bakes)
Resolved. Donation of £150 rejected. Council to raise donations by opening village hall and serving hot drinks to raise donations.
f) For the council to note the breakdown of the Live and Local Event.
Deferred awaiting final invoice for band
g) For the council to consider a budget of £500.00 for the purchase of tools for the caretaker (Cllr Orrill)
Resolved. Council approved £500 to purchase tools for caretaker. Cllr Orrill to consider list of tools with our caretaker.
h) For the council to ratify the hire of a skip £220.00 (Financial Regulations Budgetary Control and
Authority to Spend 4.5)
Resolved. Approved
6. Administration Matters: 24/96
a) To inform the council (30/10/2024 -13/11/2024) 7 hours of time has been has been allocated to FOI Requests/queries and since July 2024 6 FOI’s requests have been actioned. See supporting paper. b) For the council to review its Complaints Policy
c) For the council to consider adopting the Model Publication Scheme
Resolved. Approved
d) For the council to consider adopting the Model Policy for handling Freedom of Information
Resolved. Approved
e) For the council to consider when the Facebook Page will go live (Cllr Orrill)
Resolved. Cllr Bakes and Cllr Goodwin mandated to maintain the PC Facebook page
f) For the council to consider a way forward concerning issues raised by members regarding communication
Resolved. No action to be taken
g) For the council to consider amending the Key Control Policy.
Resolved. Amended key control policy adopted.
h) For the council to consider approving the Vexatious Policy
Resolved. Vexatious policy adopted.
7. Employment Matters: 24/97
a) To remind the council that the pay date for the Locum Clerk is the 28th of each month per the Terms
And conditions of employment
b) To remind the council that the Locum Clerk is employed on a 6 hour per week contract
c) For the council to consider approving the overtime for October 24 - 42 hours (to be paid in the November pay cycle) and timesheets are attached again.
Resolved. Overtime approved
d) For the council to note the Pay Agreement Award for 2024 -2025 applies to both the caretaker and
the Locum Clerk. The back pay and the new rate of pay for the caretaker is effective from the 01/04/2024. The back pay for the Locum Clerk is effective from the 15/07/2024 (both employees have a Green Book Contract of Employment)
e) For the council to approve Clerk Advert to be advertised with:
Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils/ Lincolnshire County Council: £75.00
Yorkshire Local Council Associations: £30.00
Society of Local Councils Clerks: £249.00 (per month)
Resolved. LALC advert approved. YLCA rejected. SLCC rejected
f) For the council to consider extending the closing date of the advert to the 31/01/2025
Resolved. Proposed to run the advert until 28.2.25. Approved
8. Village Hall Matters: 24/98
a) For the council to consider having a second full set of keys for the Village Hall (Cllr Orrill)
Resolved. Approved, Cllr Orrill mandated to arrange
b) For the council to consider all members to have a key for the PC’s noticeboards (Cllr Orrill)
Resolved. Approved, Cllr Bunn mandated to distribute keys to all councillors.
c) For the council to consider any actions from the concerns raised by Cllr Orrill regarding the cleaning and general maintenance of the Village Hall
Resolved. Proposed Cllr Orrill obtain 3 quotes for a deep clean of the village hall for December meeting.
d) For the council to consider members and employees to have a CRB Check (to note CRB checks are specific to a business and not a person)
Resolved. All councillors and employees to have CRB checks. Approved
e) For the council to consider any actions regarding the Freezer contained within the Committee Room
(Cllr Orrill)
Deferred for further investigation
f) For the council to consider any actions from the Fire Risk Assessment update (Cllr Orrill)
Deferred, Cllr Orrill to obtain 3 quotes for replacement fire doors
g) For the council to consider approving the relevant courses for the caretaker to attend. £112.50 +VAT for 4 courses
Resolved. Approved, Cllr Orrill mandated to organise with caretaker to take courses in works time
h) For the clerk to formally minute that all members have a key to the front door Village Hall
i) For the council to ratify the electrical work that needed to be completed in the Village Hall
(Financial Regulations Budgetary Control and Authority to spend 4.5)
j) For the council to ratify the boiler work that needed to be completed in the Village Hall (Financial Regulations Budgetary Control and Authority to spend 4.5)
Resolved. Approved
9. Village Matters: 24/99
a) For the council to considering approving for a leaflet to be circulated to all properties in Waithe
Resolved. Approved
b) For the council to consider approving the draft leaflet
Resolved. Approved
c) For the clerk to update the council concerning the public toilets
Deferred, waiting further information
d) For the clerk to update the council concerning the recent Speed Surveys that had taken place in the Parish from the 10th of October – 17th of October
Noted. Speed survey to be made available to the public via Facebook, notice boards and emails.
10. Payments – For the Council to consider approving the November Extraordinary Meeting Payments 2024: 24/100
Invoice Name: |
Reason for Payment: |
Sub Total: |
Vat: |
Total: |
Jill Davis |
Purchase of Two Wreaths – Remembrance Event |
£44.98 |
£44.98 |
£44.98 |
£44.98 |
Resolved. Payment approved
11. Next Meeting Date: 24/101
a) For the council to note the Ordinary PC Meeting 02/12/2024 @7.00pm. Items for agenda – No later than 25th of November 2024
b) To inform the council that Newman Properties Ltd have confirmed they will be presenting a Proposed Planning Application for 13 bungalows on the land to the rear of the High Street at the Ordinary Meeting on the 02/12/2024 under the Public Participation section.