December 2024 Agenda (2nd)
North Thoresby, Grainsby & Waithe Parish Council
North Thoresby Village Hall, The Square, North Thoresby, DN36 5QL
Summons & Agenda
Dear Councillor,
You are hereby summoned to attend an ordinary meeting of North Thoresby Parish Council, which will be held in North Thoresby Village Hall on Monday 2nd December 2024, commencing at 7.00pm
Meetings are open to the public by virtue of the Public Bodies Admissions to Meetings Act 1960 section 1 unless the presence is prejudicial to the public interest (section 2). Members of the public wishing to speak during the Open Forum are asked to contact the Clerk in advance of the meeting if possible.
Jill Davis
Jill Davis
Locum Proper Officer to North Thoresby, Grainsby & Waithe Parish Council
27th of November 2024
1. Chair’s Welcome:
a) The meeting may be recorded.
b) Safety announcement.
c) To remind the members of the public that the meeting is a PC meeting held in public and not a public meeting
d) Chairman’s Report – To note only
2. Apologies for Absence:
a) To receive apologies.
b) To approve reasons for absence given by Councillors
3. Declarations of Interest:
a) To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared.
b) To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items.
4. Approval of Previous Minutes:
a) For the council to consider approving the draft ordinary minutes dated the 4th of November 2024.
Deferred – Due to limited number of contracted hours for the Clerk
b) For the council to consider approving the draft extraordinary minutes dated the 19th of November 2024.
Deferred – Due to the limited number of contracted hours for the Clerk
5. Public Open Forum – 30 Minutes:
Members of the public have a right to attend and observe parish council meetings. Participation is an
Open forum and is not a statutory requirement and is granted at the discretion of the Chair.
Members of the public may speak or ask questions only when invited by the Chair and within the
time limits set.
Planning presentation – Proposed Planning Application – Newman Properties Ltd
6. District Council Update:
To receive updates from any attending District Councillor.
7. County Council Update:
To receive updates from any attending County Council
8. Finance Matters:
a) For the council to consider approving the boiler Flue Works £470.78 – Mark Stainton
b) For the council to consider approving the Live and Local Ltd Invoice £370.00
c) For the council to note the following concerning the Live and Local Event:
Income £370.55 Payments £370.00 (VAT can be reclaimed from the invoice of £61.67)
d) For the council to approve the invoice from Expert Security Systems £45.00 (this work was not approved by the PC July onwards)
e) For the council to ratity the payment to Thoresby Homecare Centre (October invoice not approved by the council before purchasing the items) £73.90
f) For Cllr Goodwin to clarify the invoice from Mr Gladding that was approved at the September PC Meeting concerning the painting of the library
g) For the council to approve the Job Advert Invoice to LALC for £75.00 +VAT
9. Planning Matters:
a) For the council to consider any actions from the correspondence received from a member of the public concerning Westbrook Farm
b) Planning Permission – Change of use of existing residential garden to provide a community orchard
The Paddocks, Station Road. North Thoresby DN36 5QS
Reference Number: N/133/01785/24
c) Planning Permission – Erection of 1.8m high fence to the north and west boundary.
WestBrook Farm, Station Road. North Thoresby. DN36 5QS
Reference N/133/01673/24
10. Administration Matters:
a) For the council to consider launching a New Parish Council Facebook Page (Cllr Bakes)
b) For the clerk to minute the concerns regarding the outstanding Finance Matters that have not been addressed.
c) For the council to note that the Chairman wishes to call an extraordinary meeting to discuss
Finance Matters and other urgent matters. Date to be decided.
d) For the council to consider the Planned PC meeting dates for 2025
e) For the council to consider any action from the correspondence received concerning Stanholme Lane
11. Employment Matters:
a) For the council to consider approving increasing the Clerk’s contracted hours (Cllrs Goodwin, Bunn
b) To inform the council that the Parish Clerk job advert is live on Lincolnshire County Council’s website.
c) For the council to approve the caretaker’s holiday of the 7th and 8th of December 2024
12. Village Hall Matters:
a) For Cllr Orrill to inform the council that he has stepped down from the mandated responsibility of
the Village Hall
b) For the council to consider the next steps concerning the Fire Risk Assessment and Health and Safety
Matters in light of 12.a
c) For the council to consider not contracting work to AP Services due to the boiler issue (Cllr Orrill)
d) For the council to consider contacting the Police concerning the missing Filing Cabinet
that was located in the Office at the Village Hall (Cllr Orrill)
e) For the council to approve a second set of full keys for the Village Hall (Cllr Orrill)
f) For the clerk to remind the council that Cllr Bunn was approved by the council to be responsible for
the grant applications/funding opportunities for the Village Hall
g) For Cllr Goodwin to inform the council of the refreshment grant received for the Remembrance
h) For the council to consider removing of the freezer chest from the Village Hall due concerns raised by
Cllr Orrill
i) For the council to consider the quotations for the Outside Container (Cllr Orrill)
j) For the council to consider joining the YMCA Village Hall Advisory Service £55.00 per annum (Cllr
k) For the council to consider the quotations for the L2 Fire Alarm
l) For the council to consider agreeing on a Fire Meeting Point (Cllr Orrill)
13. Village Matters:
a) For the council to consider a donation of a Defibrillator Cabinet (Cllr Goodwin)
b) For the council to consider a location for a Defibrillator in Waithe (Cllr Goodwin)
c) For the council to considering asking for volunteer(s) to monitor the Free Library
d) For the council to consider a budget for the repairs needed at the Play Park (Cllr Goodwin)
14.Payments – For the Council to consider approving the December Payments 2024:
Invoice Name: |
Reason for Payment: |
Sub Total: |
Vat: |
Total: |
Jill Davis |
November Payment 2024 Salary |
£954.28 |
£954.28 |
Mr Wilson |
November Payment 2024 Salary |
£964.08 |
£964.08 |
November Payment 2024 Payment |
£236.00 |
£236.00 |
September Payment 2024 (Outstanding) |
£142.00 |
£142.00 |
Mark Stainton |
Boiler Flue Investigation |
£470.78 |
£470.78 |
Live and Local Ltd |
Event 05/10/2024 Invoice Number 9850 |
£308.33 |
£61.67 |
£370.00 |
Expert Security Systems |
Call Charge Invoice 2772 |
£45.00 |
£45.00 |
H.Cope and Sons Limited (Already paid) Proforma Invoice only |
Skip for the leaves |
£183.33 |
£36.67 |
£220.00 |
Tulip Health Care |
Quarterly Hygienic Services |
£57.20 |
£11.44 |
£68.64 |
Thoresby Homecare Centre |
Items Invoice 60487 |
£61.58 |
£12.32 |
£73.90 |
Job Advert Invoice 15232 |
£75.00 |
£15.00 |
£90.00 |
£3497.58 |
£137.10 |
15. Next Ordinary Meeting Date:
a) For the council to note the Ordinary PC Meeting – 6th of January 2025